Veterinary and Veterinary nursing expertise only please! Using attachment COMPLETE VNO1 assignment as a template please edit to undergraduate standard this paper. It is essential that this paper is edited to the standard
Please follow ALL feedback that I have attached as pictures and notes in order to correct the assignment. Please also use the learner and TP handbook that have attached to follow the learning outcomes stated in the Task templates. There is also a VNO1 assignment grading grid attached as a picture which highlights more reasons why the previous writer fell short of a pass mark. PLEASE CONTACT ME with any questions, communication is essential. Please also have knowledge in UK veterinary nursing and be able to apply the depth that the assessors are looking for as a veterinary nurse and not generally. Task 5 on SOPs does not need to be edited. The case scenario is 3.
Additional comments from 1:1 tutorial
• Overall surface level. Needs more depth, specifically from veterinary nursing point of view.
• Vocabulary too casual (use of words such as “cash”, not appropriate)
• Need to extend on knowledge and points.
• Too generalised. Could be writing about any profession, not veterinary nursing specifically. Needs to be more specific to veterinary nursing.
• Grammar and punctuation needs to be corrected in some areas.
• Use veterinary specific terminology
• Evidence, evidence, evidence the learning outcomes (4 that have missed specifically)
• Need to show a deeper knowledge of veterinary nursing – not general (CPD etc..)
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