Let’s start with the Standard of Ur, one of the great masterpieces of ancient Sumerian art. Based on your observations, what sort of image does the Standard of Ur construct of ideal kingship? How does the standard of Ur represent the king? What must a good king do? What obligations does a king owe to his people? Use specific visual evidence!
Next, consider the Akkadian “Stele of Naram Sin” and compare it to the Babylonian “Hammurabi’s Code.” What do they have in common? What are their differences? How do they imagine different examples of kingship? Please use specific visual evidence in your answer!
Finally, let’s look at Persia during the rule of the Achaemenid Dynasty. Complete the outside reading. Describe briefly the way that the art and architecture at Persepolis represents the Persian approach to power.Please use a direct quote in your answer. How does this conception of power compare to the earlier examples?
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