Health & Medical Question-How does Kalanithi’s use of medical narrative help to address ethical aspects of his care that might otherwise be overlooked? Further, integrate the articles on medical narrative and the talk by Julie Berggren into your paper.

Upload your 2-3 pages (typed, double-spaced) paper to Ska.
Requirements: 12-point font, Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, no header. Only your name should appear at the top of p. 1 – no other header should be included.
Instructions: Integrate the Kalanithi reading with the readings on medical narratives (Charon; Lindemann). You will be graded on the clarity of your thought and on the organization and depth of your analysis. In it, respond to this question:

How does Kalanithi’s use of medical narrative help to address ethical aspects of his care that might otherwise be overlooked? Further, integrate the articles on medical narrative and the talk by Julie Berggren into your paper.

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