Explore the library resources by clicking on the various links. Especially notice the second link which leads you to the “Nursing Program Guides”.


Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
Select the OCLS library links to get started.
Online Campus Library Services (OCLS)(new tab)
Nursing(new tab)

Notice that you are not on your own! Many days, there are librarians available from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Eastern Time. If you are working on the weekend or after library hours, you can always select “After Hours & Weekend Help” which will open a page of “OCLS Answers” and a link to fill in an “Online Request Form”. The librarians will respond to your request as soon as possible (usually the next business day).

Explore the library resources by clicking on the various links. Especially notice the second link which leads you to the “Nursing Program Guides”. Next, click on

“Nursing Databases Tutorials”.
Watch the “OCLS Introduction for Nursing Students” videos.
Now go to the main OCLS Homepage(new tab).
Using the search tool on the Library Homepage, go to CINAHL Complete and find an article about evidence-based practice in nursing. Your article should be less than 5 years old.
Submit the complete APA reference for your article and an original 50-word article summary.


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