Value in Painting
Value Pattern is a way to organize a painting or art work. It is the organization of lights and darks to lead the viewer through the work. A high contrast area (black to white values) of the image will attract the eye first. Then you can follow values through the rest of the work to see the rest of the information. An Artist is the director of the work.
Please pick a favorite REPRESENTATIONAL painting (it shows realism, what things actually look like as opposed to non objective abstraction- not based on real objects) and either
Print out a black and white copy of it OR convert online to black and white and save a jpg of it online in a program where you can mark it up.
Then look at the painting by squinting your eyes at it. (This reduces it to basic shapes of value).
Reduce the painting to basic shapes of value in black, gray and white by recreating the work in basic shapes of value.
See how the painting is balanced, what is the area you notice first, how do you move through the work following value.
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