Policing and Legal Precedents-What strategies and training methods should police departments implement to help officers navigate ethical dilemmas more effectively?

Refer to Chapters 4, 5, and 6 in the textbook to answer the questions below. Part I: Police Responsibilities and Operational Styles Chapter 4 outlines the three basic responsibilities of the police. In your response: Identify and briefly describe these responsibilities. Which responsibility do you believe is the most important, and why? Provide a clear … Read more

Describe the difference between the 4 triage urgency levels (minor, delayed, emergent/ immediate, and expectant).

Write a paragraph summary on how the START triage and JUMP START triage processes are utilized in a mass casualty incident. Describe the difference between the 4 triage urgency levels (minor, delayed, emergent/ immediate, and expectant). Please include at least one example from each triage urgency category, including the specific assessment data that helped assign … Read more

What extent does the policy meet or improve the current state (consider factors related to racism, diversity, inclusion, and equity)?

You are the social worker in an agency that addresses social justice issues in your community. You have identified a policy that you think might be of service in addressing the identified social justice issue. As a part of this process, you need to analyze the policy’s effectiveness and feasibility in meeting the needs of … Read more

Evaluate your personal interest in the two career options you identified and compared.

Career Options for Counselor Educators and Supervisors For this assignment, use the resources from your studies to explore your interest in career options of counselor educators and supervisors and identify program and professional resources that will support your development on your doctoral journey. Prepare a paper in which you complete the following: Identify and compare … Read more

Do not waste your time so that you look back with regret – you do not know what tomorrow holds! Read and study Bible verses about time to better understand how important every moment is in light of eternity.

“Such a time as this” God’s Word advises us to use our time wisely because He knows that there are many things in life that can distract us from what truly matters. Do not waste your time so that you look back with regret – you do not know what tomorrow holds! Read and study … Read more

Discuss the potential impact of your project on your anticipated results to the betterment of health and/or health outcomes.

This week’s assignment is STEP 2 – Project Purpose Statement, Background & Significance and PICOt Formatted Clinical Project Question. The student will answer the items below in a Word doc and submit to the assignment link. Provide a title that conveys or describes the assignment. Project Purpose Statement – Provide a declarative sentence or two … Read more

Explain and justify why you did refute, challenge and modify, or accept their ideas. How did what they say help you clarify or expand on your original answers?

Part A: Initial Post Hallucinogens and Psychedelics have been used for centuries. Many cultures have believed that these substances take them to a spiritual place where they are able to see beyond the earth. However, this appears not to be the case in American culture where the use of hallucinogens and psychedelics have no clinical … Read more

What would you consider when specifying research questions and objectives?

The nature of research, research questions and objectives are fundamental considerations when developing research projects. In this discussion you should consider: What is the nature of research? What are the differences between basic, applied and pseudo research? How would you generate and refine research ideas? What would you consider when specifying research questions and objectives?