Discuss why increasing generalization also increases the probability of response maintenance.

You are an experienced BCBA who is consulting at a startup ABA company. About six months ago, the owner asked you to design a shaping procedure for staff attendance. Good news! Your plan was effective! Staff attendance significantly improved in months two through four and reached desired levels in month five. However, in the last … Read more

Discuss your perceptions of your performance and interactions within the team as it moved through Tuckman’s stages.

Write a three-part reflection paper that includes the following elements. Rather than writing a formal introduction and conclusion as you would in a research paper, divide your paper into three sections, indicating which part of the assignment you are addressing. This paper does not require citations, but must adhere to APA paper format. A sample … Read more

Demonstrate an academic writing style through well-organized prose that follows assignment guidelines.

Overview When working within a school district, it is important to know and understand all levels within the system from leadership down to the school and classroom level, all the way to the individual students receiving services. It will be important for you as a consultant to know and understand the roles and positions that … Read more

The war between Russia and Ukraine and the impact on internal and global area

– see the motives – see the impact in the internal respective countries – see how external supporters on each side play a key role that make conflict/the war continuing; etc – Enumerate some countries, regional and global organizations helping on each side – propositions and recommendations for peace…… – The paper should indicate two … Read more

Would this taking be different if the project were a public facility, such as a school or hospital?

Assignment 1 (1/2 page) Answer Prof N questions cites references. Prof. Navarro posted Hello Class, To expand our discussion, I will include additional questions that pertain to our Unit 5 readings. You are not required to participate in the additional questions that I post. However, responses to the additional chapter questions will count towards your … Read more

Describe how trade-offs between different configurations could accomplish the mission

Hardware Design: Definition of the UGS high-level requirements to accomplish the mission Descriiption of the UGS hardware components and their functions Overview of the hardware design process, including component selection and integration Discussion of any specific design challenges and solutions Please reference the attached paper. I identified the problem my proposed new Uncrewed Ground Systems … Read more

What is one thing that you’ve realized about your own learning since arriving at UCSD?

ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS The Reflection assignments aim to help you build understanding of and reflect on the topics discussed in readings and lectures, your own course project, and your learning in the course. In your regular Reflections, only use evidence from assigned readings and lectures in crafting your responses. Include in-text citations for any sources quoted, … Read more