Describe two studies that used the theory as a framework for their study, including a descriiption of how they operationalized the concepts.

Your “Application of Theoretical Concepts to Research” Paper is due this week. Your paper should contain the following sections: Background: contains two subsections, which includes a brief descriiption of the theorist and the phenomenon of concern in the theory. Theory Descriiption: a descriiption of each of the concepts in the theory, a diagram of the … Read more

Primary and secondary assignment-analyze the following sources. These sources will be below and use the Guiding Questions to answer the questions provided in short paragraphs. The last paragraph should utilize all the documents (Should be a total of 6 Paragraphs)

For this assignment, analyze the following sources. These sources will be below and use the Guiding Questions to answer the questions provided in short paragraphs. The last paragraph should utilize all the documents (Should be a total of 6 Paragraphs) 1. “Information Wanted, The Black Republican, May 13, 1865,” 2. “Office of the Freedman’s Savings … Read more

Describe in additional detail the presenting issues, three treatment goals/objectives, and, if relevant, interventions applied and their effectiveness and overall progress made.

The case you choose to write about here will be the same case you use will use for the next three hypothetical application papers. Students will describe in detail a client with whom they have worked with in the past. Provide enough detail about the client so that the reader can get a sense of … Read more

Which of these PR frameworks best explains the success of your chosen PR case?

Follow the steps below: 1) Building on your research skills from Module 2, conduct some preliminary research on successful public relations campaigns. Explore several PR cases, selecting the one case that most resonates with you. This could be a public relations effort from your childhood or from earlier this year. Be sure to select a … Read more

Discuss how a loss of trust can affect not just individual organizations but also entire industries or nations.

Module 2: Interactive activity 2.1 Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this week’s activities, you will be able to: Articulate the importance of business ethics. Analyze the effect of turst in the workplace. Critique an ethical dilemma. 2.2 Action Required: Write at least 2 paragraphs (100-150 words per paragraph) responding to item in test your knowledge. … Read more

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)-Regarding the film of the week, please fill out the attached Structure Acts sheet as simply and clearly as you can.

Regarding the film of the week, please fill out the attached Structure Acts sheet as simply and clearly as you can. Then, considering your completed Structure Acts sheet, and the film’s story and plot, explore your analytical thoughts on the film’s structure. around 450 words total) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) Movie

Pick the five stories that you found most helpful/compelling and use them to create an annotated bibliography. Do not use dictionaries or encyclopedias.

Spend at least two hours doing an internet search on the word “Marxism.” During that time, read at least 10 articles related to the topic. Pick the five stories that you found most helpful/compelling and use them to create an annotated bibliography. Do not use dictionaries or encyclopedias. For each entry in your bibliography, include … Read more

Using resources from Theories I and other outside resources, define and describe

Using resources from Theories I and other outside resources, define and describe (minimum of 3 sentences each) the following important systemic vital terms. Include the complete APA reference for every source you use to help you define the terms: Adaptability Boundaries Circular Questions Coalition Cybernetics Differentiation Double Bind Externalization Order of Change Systems Theory Triangulation