Describe what you believe are your organizations strengths and challenges.

Using the work completed in the Discussion Board Assignments in Modules 1-3, students will write a paper that describes the PREPARE process for their organization. Length: Papers must be eight pages in length, excluding title page and references. Format: The paper must be written using Times New Roman size 12 font, double-spaced, one-inch margins all … Read more

What does a healthy recipe look like?

You will be sharing a healthy dinner recipe in this discussion for 10 possible points and to allow your learning community to see your recipe for their own use. As parents we are always looking for easy, inexpensive, quick recipes that our families will actually LIKE! As a teacher we can help families provide nutritious … Read more

Write your Formal Elements Essay about your assigned artwork, using the Sample Essay, the instructions in Video B. and the handouts to help you. Please email me and ask if you have any questions!

A ‘formal elements essay’ is analyzing how an artist uses the ‘elements of art’ (line, shape, form, color, and texture) as they literally ‘form’ or create their art. ___________________ Step One For this assignment, use and follow the video (required) and handouts below. These are in the Art Terms Module (in Canvas): Video B, Art … Read more

Discuss how federalism and the relationship between state governments and the national government has changed since the founding by identifying (3) significant historical events responsible for change (see Yale video and readings in Smith).

In a well-written, well-documented, well-organized essay of 7-9 double-spaced pages (excluding bibliography and notes), and based on course materials only, demonstrate your understanding of American federalism. Be sure to address the following questions: What were the founders trying to accomplish with the republican form of government they formulated and implemented (see especially Federalist Paper #10)? … Read more

Create a document that contains ten of the most interesting images, each with information about the model you used and the prompt that generated it.

Generate some AI art for your assigned fiction using diffusion models. (See below for some options, but feel free to use others.) You may want to use some or all of this art in your final presentation, so try a bunch of different things – you might choose some scenes in the story to depict, … Read more

What effects do agents such as metoprolol have on the cardiovascular system?

You have a 58 year old African American male that is coming in for a follow-up visit after recently having a Myocardial infarction which was successfully treated via angioplasty. He was started on Metoprolol for his consistently elevated high blood pressure during his hospital stay. His primary diagnoses include: Coronary Artery Disease Type 2 diabetes … Read more

You are required to critically review the article and write a short essay on your position. Your essay should reflect your personal views about the issues raised in the articles.

Individual Assignment: Literature Review: (Assignment # 1) UNIT STANDARDS 3: ANALYTICAL ABILITY and 6: EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION ATSW STANDARD IV: THE PROFESSIONAL ENVIRONMENT CEC STANDARD 9: PROFESSIONAL AND ETHICAL PRACTICE; 6 – LANGUAGE You are required to critically review the article and write a short essay on your position. Your essay should reflect your personal views … Read more