Choose only one of the three following prompts to build your essay around. Each prompt will be
associated with one of the chapters we have studied. Make sure to address every aspect of the
prompt to receive a high grade. Your essay must be at least 600 words!
1) [Chapter 5: Epistemology/The Search for Truth]: Take a stance on the Rationalism vs
Empiricism argument. Explain what these two theories mean in relation to truth and
knowledge. What are the prime differences between the two? After providing some
details on both, state which one is more appealing to you. Center your position on a given
topic or example by appealing to the method taken for your selected theory. If you choose rationalism, then explain why a priori (independent of experience) reasoning is more suited to explain your chosen example. If you choose empiricism, then explain why certain a posteriori (empirical, dependent on experience) reasoning is more suited to explain your chosen example. You may lean on examples from the textbook/PPT notes
for some inspiration or you may come up with one yourself. Some areas to think about [Mathematics, Religion, Causality, Descartes’ cogito, science, biology, human nature,
sociology/social norms, technology, language etc.]
Aspects to look for:
1) Introduction: You introduce the two positions just enough to set up your thesis statement in which you clearly state your position as well as your examples used to support your position.
2) Body Paragraphs: You provide enough details to adequately explain both positions. You then bring in your chosen topic/example to center your analysis on. You not only provide enough details on the example, so your readers can understand it, but you also
apply the methods of your selected theory onto the example.
3) Each paragraph is well organized and relates back to your thesis
4) You have two sources evident in your essay (your textbook can be one)
5) You provide a conclusion to wrap up the gist of the work 2) [Chapter 6: Self]: The mind-body problem is one of the most fascinating issues in both scientific and philosophical domains. Yet despite hundreds of years of research, it is still quite a mystery. In this essay you will try to explain the mind-body problem in your own words. What is this problem that has plagued intellectuals for this long. Give examples
and define the terms you use to help demonstrate your comprehension. Then, state your position on the matter. You don’t have to be 100% certain of your position, simply choose the one that makes the most sense to you. Explain your solution, and you may choose among the one available to you in the textbook/PPT notes (Descartes’ view,
Leibniz’s view, materialist solution, idealist solution, Spinoza’s solution, behaviorism, identity theory, functionalism, embodied consciousness, or choose your own). In trying to appeal to your selected solution, give reasons or examples as to why your solution is preferable. Below is an example of how you might go about your essay, since this prompt
could be a bit more confusing than the others: [For example: Descartes’ view is that which both mental and physical events are equally
real in the sense that they do not come from each other. The mental does not produce the
physical and the physical does not produce the mental; hence they are completely distinct things/processes. To put this in perspective, thoughts and ideas cannot be reduced to neurons signaling each other through electric signals. On the same vein matter, which is made up of a congregate of organized atoms that take up physical space, does not owe its existence to conscious activity. The proof for this lies in the continuation of matter when no one is looking. Matter continues to exist regardless of if it is being spectated by an
onlooker or not.
The reason why Descartes’ dualistic solution is preferable is because it fits in alignment with our intuitive experience of reality. According to Descartes these two substances constantly interact with each other. When I hit my head with my own hand, my mental
processes are immediately impacted longer think clearly, as my conscious control center has been evidently impaired. Furthermore, expressions of pain rise up throughout my body. Pain isn’t just some physical expression located in the world, rather it is an expression of my impaired consciousness informing me that something is wrong…. You should get the point on how to tackle this question by now, but something
along these lines!]
Aspect to look for:
1) Introduction: You raise the relevance of the mind-body problem. You introduce it just
enough to intrigue your readers. You also provide a clear thesis statement with your
2) Body Paragraphs PT I: You adequately explain the mind-body problem in your own
words. You use examples and define your terms so that your readers can have a decent
grasp as to what you are saying
3) Body Paragraphs PT II: You offer a solution, while explaining what it is and why it is
a preferable solution. You use clear examples to express your position and provide
compelling reasons as support
4)You have two sources (your textbook can be one) evident throughout your work
5)You have a conclusion that wraps up the gist of your essay
3) [Chapter 7: Freedom]: Free will has been a very divisive topic in numerous
philosophical circles. Some parties hold onto this conception of freedom dearly, calling it
the root of our humanity, that which makes us who we are. Consider the Judeo-Christian
and Islamic religious for instance. Others cry foul, advocating for its impossibility by
breaching our logical and scientific understanding of reality. Take a stance on this
position. First explain the free will dilemma while also raising its relevance. Why does
this issue matter so deeply to us and how does it affect our lives? Then explain your
chosen position [determinism, compatibilism, libertarianism]. Offer reasons why your
position is preferable in contrast to the other positions. I also want you to “attack” the
opposing positions by providing reasons against their validity. You may need to provide
concrete examples to demonstrate your argument.
Aspects to look for:
1) Introduction: You raise the relevance of the free will dilemma. You introduce it just
enough to intrigue your readers. You also provide a clear thesis statement with your
2) Body Paragraphs PT I: You adequately explain the free will dilemma in your own
words. Your explanation is clear and full of enough details that demonstrates your
3) Body Paragraphs PT II: You have a clear stance on your selected position. You first
explain what your selected position means and then you offer reasons why it is the
superior solution in comparison to the others. You provide enough of an explanation,
maybe an example is needed, that makes it both convincing and compelling.
4) You have two sources evident in your essay (your textbook can be one)
5) You provide a conclusion to wrap up the gist of the work
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