Create a welcome message for new users signing up on a web portal. Your job involves taking two given strings: a user’s first name and last name.

Create a welcome message for new users signing up on a web portal. Your job involves taking two given strings: a user’s first name and last name. Combine these two strings to form the full name and display the following welcome message:

Welcome to our web portal, full name!
You also need to analyze this welcome message for various purposes:
Determine the length of the message,
Count the number of words,
Reverse the message for a fun effect, and
Replace the word “Welcome” with the word “Hello”.

Consider the first name “John” and the last name “Doe”. The expected output would be:
Welcome Message: Welcome to our web portal, John Doe!

Length of Welcome Message: 40
Word Count of Welcome Message: 7
Reversed Welcome Message: !eoD nhoJ ,latrop bew ruo ot emocleW
Modified Welcome Message: Hello to our web portal, John Doe!
Marking Criteria
PHP code 2 marks
Screenshots 1 mark
PHP code 1 mark
Screenshots 1 mark
HTML form 1 mark
PHP code 1 mark
Screenshots 1 mark
2 Marks
Learning Outcome(s):
Build web applications using PHP and MySQL
Question Two
Create a PHP script to manage and display student names and their respective grades for the IT405 course. The script should:
Create two arrays: one with student names and one with their corresponding grades.

Display the content of these arrays in an HTML table with two columns: “Name” and “Grade”. The number of rows in the table should match the length of the arrays.


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