Discuss the purpose of each law, how each is to be applied to the staffing function of an organization and the Biblical foundation/support for the law.

In theThree Laws Assignment, the student will integrate the Bible with three selected U.S. employment laws related to the staffing function of an organization.

The student will have an opportunity to evaluate three distinct U.S. employment laws through the Christian worldview,
supported by Biblical scripture. As followers of Christ, we have a responsibility to ensure the laws of the land are founded upon scripture.


The essay will be a minimum of 600 words of original analysis and discussion, excluding the title page and reference page. Discuss the purpose of each law, how each is to be applied to the staffing function of an organization and the Biblical foundation/support for the law. All assignments must meet the standards of the current edition of the APA manual for in-text citations, references, headings, grammar, spelling, and mechanics. All pages of all assignments, including the title page and reference list, must be double-spaced and typed in 12-point Times New

Roman fonts with one-inch margins on all four sides. MS Word files only.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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