Do you think this case met the criteria outlined in the state of Washington’s three-factor test for enforcing the noncompete clause in Valdez’s contract?

Review Case Study III: Analyze the “Target Hires Key Executive Away from Amazon” case study on pp. 256-257 of your textbook. – Prepare a 4-page essay, excluding your cover and bibliography pages (use a 12-pt. font size, double space your text, set your page margins to 1 inch on all sides, and leave no extra spaces between your paragraphs). –

In your work, articulate your thoughts clearly and persuasively and support them with relevant information from your research findings and our textbook. –

Direct quotes should be no more than 20% of your essay content. – Format your in-text citations and sources according to APA Style. – Submit your work as an MS Word document. Provide answers to the following questions:

1. Do you think this case met the criteria outlined in the state of Washington’s three-factor test for enforcing the noncompete clause in Valdez’s contract?

Explain your reasoning for why or why not. 2. Develop a set of settlement terms with the goal of achieving fair results for both Target and Amazon.

3. In consideration of the FTC’s recent ruling which will ban noncompete agreements nationwide, what unique challenges and opportunities do you foresee arising within the technology sector as a result of this ban? 4. Analyze whether the enforcement of copyright, patent, and trade secret laws has expedited or impeded the progress of innovation. Justify your response with relevant arguments.

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