For this assignment, your objective is to find a relevant and academic source, which relates to our current unit topic–one that you can reasonably understand–as they can often be dense and difficult to read. You will post the source link at the top of your post, and include a brief summary of your selected article which speaks to why the article has value.
Essential Tip: While many research articles are 40-50 pages in length, you don’t have to read the entire article. Since your objective is to find several value-rich quotes for your upcoming essay, you will probably find several sentences of value within the first 3 or 4 pages.
This is a college survival tip:
Search for the quote that “pops,” one that you can slip into a strategic point in your upcoming essay on our current topic — concepts, ideas, even tangential connections relevant to the material address by Frankl, Susan David and Emily Smith.
Assignment Objective
Your task will result in the production of an “annotated bibliography” format, which offers a short paragraph summary, followed by a second paragraph that states your opinion about the article (why you find the article interesting, useful, connected to our current topic in some way).
Annotated bibliographies are often required at the university level, when completing research style essays. Some professors here at SMC may require them, as well. It’s worth your time to have a brief experience with them.
Please check out this excellent resource (link below), Owl Purdue, which offers a writing resource for college students, who are completing writing tasks — including the details of MLA formatting, which you definitely want to know, not only for this course, but other basic college essays, as well.
View the following page for more details on writing annotated bibliographies:
Owl Purdue: Annotated BibliographiesLinks to an external site.
When you post your response below, include your research link.
Write a 8-10 sentence summary of the article,
Follow the summary with a second paragraph which attests to the potential “contribution” that your selected article might make (see sample). The contribution element attests to the article’s value and relevance. How/why is the article useful for this particular topic.
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