Healthcare-Evaluate how evidence from the research could help improve health knowledge or practice.

Access the full text of 3 articles then extract key information from each one, including person, place, and time details an the main study finding. In each article conclusion section, identify what the authors write about the study’s key implications.

Evaluate how evidence from the research could help improve health knowledge or practice.

1. Improving Health Literacy Knowledge Behaviors and Confidence with Interactive Training – Article PMC.NCBI.NLM. NIH.GOV 2. Establishing the Efficacy of Interventions to Improve Health Literacy: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis – Article. BMCPUBLICHEALTH.BIOMED CENTRAL. COM 3. Improving Health Literacy in Community Populations: A Review of Progress- Article ACADEMIC.OUP. COM 4. Health Knowledge, Health Behaviors, and attitudes during Pandemic emergencies: Rapid Systemic Review- Article PMC.NCBI.NLM.NIH.GOV

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