Please note that this assignment is comprised of two parts, for which you are expected to complete both sections. Please submit both parts as one, single document.
Before writing an essay, the writer creates an outline that s/he uses to develop his/her ideas. For this assignment, you will choose one of the argumentative essays provided below; read it attentively by paying attention to the elements the writer used when developing the arguments and counterarguments.
Part One
Recreate the outline you believe that the writer had come up with before writing the essay itself.
Part Two
Identify an element that you consider that the writer did not do well at and provide an alternative correction.
Submit your work with a Cover page.
This was the argumentative assay that I chose:
The Use of Rosary
Stephanie Pimentel
School of General Studies, Miami Regional University
ENC1102: English Composition II
Professor Dr. Uliana Gancea
July 1h, 2023
The Use of Rosary
We currently live in a society that has different ways of expressing themselves and using a particular way of dressing or some jewelry that identifies you in society with a particular thought. Catholics use the rosary as a tool to pray and a symbol that identifies them with their religion. The rosary is used to connect with God through prayer to feel inner peace or to help a loved one connect with God. Other religions such as the Muslim, use the veil or hijab as a symbol of their religion, the use of it has changed over the years. In the past, the Muslim veil was associated with the repression of women, now, many women use it voluntarily to express their religion(Ahmed, 2011). From my perspective, the rosary is a symbol that identifies Catholics and is a tool that helps maintain faith.
One reason think the rosary symbolizes identification for Catholics is that they use it to show society that they are connected to God through the rosary.
Perhaps that is why we see Catholic leaders like the pope, priests or nuns who always have a rosary on their neck as a symbol of their faith. The use of the rosary as a necklace is a very common practice among Catholics, but especially among those who are more committed to religion (Lima, n.d.). Although, some types of Catholics, which included, use the rosary only for particular cases, such as to pray for a sick family member or when a loved one dies. However, believe that the rosary is an accessory that Catholics often use as a reminder that they have a religion that guides them to live a life with values to keep themselves and their family on the right track.
Another reason why Catholics use the rosary as a symbol of their faith because this religious accessory allows them to stay focused on their faith. The rosary is a religious instrument where beads with a pattern are used and where different prayers are carried out, such as the Hail Mary and the Our Father. I see this type of prayer as a kind of mantra or prayer that helps the person doing it feel a sense of inner peace. This feeling of tranquility and serenity makes people feel connected with a spiritual power that is difficult to explain and that we sometimes call faith. This is why the rosary is a religious accessory that keeps the Catholic clinging to his faith.
Some people believe that the rosary is not a symbol that Catholics should use to identify their religion because other religions also use it to pray like protestants (Heipel, 2022). Other people could also allege that the rosary does not appear in the Bible; however, some articles show that the Our Father and the Hail Mary do appear in the Bible (Heipel, 2022). In my opinion,
disagree with these thoughts, because for me the rosary is an unequivocal symbol of the catholic faith. In addition, believe that each religion can adapt their interpretation of the Bible to the way they like best if that helps with a better connection with their religion.
Therefore, the rosary has a strong identification meaning of the Catholic faith.
In conclusion, people usually use some form of clothing or some accessory to identify with some culture or religion. For example, Muslims wear the hijab or headscarf, Jews wear the kippah, and Catholics wear the rosary. The rosary is a religious accessory for Catholics that helps them feel more connected to their faith and stay focused in their religion. It provides peace and serenity during difficult times and can help calm anxiety. Every culture or religion has a symbol to express their thoughts and must be respected for everybody and not be judged.
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