Explain a short demo video or mock-up to show the app’s user interface, emphasizing simplicity and ease of use.

Look at the presentation that is uploaded below for further clarification on what the extension isThis could be a 30 second animation showing how Yasmin would navigate the app. Our idea is to expand NOON and add a new feature that involves booking hotels, cars, restruants and events. The expansion is called “Noon Travel”.  want … Read more

How does your proposed compensation strategy created from the above question meet the challenge of the organization achieving internal equality?

In your report, create or copy the table(s) below and address the following: Create a linked compensation strategy for each new business strategy. For each business strategy listed in the table below, review the compensation challenge. What changes should be made to your proposed compensation strategy to help reduce or eliminate these challenges? For example, … Read more

Describe reasons why companies adopt person-focused pay plans, and identify types of positions that lend themselves to these plans.

For this assignment, compose an essay of at least five pages in which you discuss the following issues involving person-focused pay plans: Detail various types of person-focused pay plans. Describe reasons why companies adopt person-focused pay plans, and identify types of positions that lend themselves to these plans. Describe advantages and disadvantages of person-focused pay … Read more

Describe reasons why companies adopt person-focused pay plans, and identify types of positions that lend themselves to these plans.

For this assignment, compose an essay of at least five pages in which you discuss the following issues involving person-focused pay plans: Detail various types of person-focused pay plans. Describe reasons why companies adopt person-focused pay plans, and identify types of positions that lend themselves to these plans. Describe advantages and disadvantages of person-focused pay … Read more

Based on the readings, lectures, and class participation, please complete the following assignment

Based on the readings, lectures, and class participation, please complete the following assignment: Spencer’s theory of Social Darwinism influenced the creation of Charity Organization Societies in the late 1800s. Based on what you learned from the reading, please share whether you agree or disagree with the philosophy driving these movements. Be sure to back up … Read more

Business memo on a user experience of an app-Analyze the USER EXPERIENCE of this activity. What was it like to engage in this activity. For example, if you worked for this company and the CEO or COO asked you for your expert advice on how users are experiencing this product

You will write a memo using proper memo writing format (see instructions in the How To section of this class) Each week engage in a digital experience of your choice (do something online, ideally that you have not done before, but you may also want to choose some activities that are familiar to you). These … Read more

Government Policies to correct market inefficiencies-What are the changes in consumer surplus, producer surplus, and total surplus? Provide specific examples to illustrate.

Overview The government intervenes to correct market inefficiencies and inequalities through policies such • as price floors and price ceilings, as well as taxes and subsidies. In this short paper, you will choose a government policy intervention and describe how it affects market equilibrium. Directions Research a current news article about a government policy enacted … Read more

Identify at least 2 resources that you reviewed but chose not to use.

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas: Describe your process of selecting the current trend or solution … Read more

What key concepts are most important to remember about this topic? What is your critical view or reflection on the theory?

Please complete the RRC Assignment as instructed below. Respond directly in this thread. In your RRC, address the following three questions in your own words. Do NOT just list headings from the text; instead, consolidate and explain your thoughts in three paragraphs (1-2 pages). Be sure to include the textbook reference in APA style: What … Read more