Normalize a Data Model-Provide a brief description of what was applied to reach 1st normal form as well as the model in 1st normal form.

Preparatory Instructions: Please be sure to read Chapter 6 – Data Modeling (pp 187 – 213, Systems Analysis & Design text). Entity Relationship Diagrams (known as ERDs) depict the data that will be used and created in a system and provides business requirements details such as the type and amount of each data element as … Read more

Information Technology in Nursing Practice-Differentiate Among Health Information Systems and Technologies

Competencies 738.3.1 : Explain Health Data The learner explains how data factors into decision-making to promote high-quality patient healthcare. 738.3.2 : Identify Barriers to Informatics Use The learner identifies barriers to the use of informatics to improve patient outcomes and advance health literacy. 738.3.3 : Differentiate Among Health Information Systems and Technologies The learner differentiates … Read more

Explain how the article relates to your own ideas or feeling. Demonstrate that you can apply concepts to your own experiences or observations. Be thoughtful.

RESPONSE PAPER FRAMEWORK Write a summary of the above news article. Highlight key points. Use quoted text when helpful. [2 to 3 paragraphs] Explain how the article relates to concepts discussed in our course materials. Use the Table of Contents of the book and Handouts to remind you of the many potential relevant concepts. Demonstrate … Read more

Which of these strategies do you think is most successful? Can these strategies be staged in their development and pursuit?

There are a number of provider integration strategies that can be implemented. These would include mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, alliances, horizontal and vertical integration, management service organizations (MSO’s), provider sponsored organizations (PSO’s) as well provider/payer organizations. What is the rationale behind each of these strategies? Mergers and Acquisitions: Joint Ventures: Alliances: Horizontal Integration: Vertical … Read more

Describe a time when you needed to make a change, whether personal or professional, but resisted it.

Overcoming Resistance to Change Change can be difficult, even when it is inevitable. Therefore, change can often be met with resistance initially. Individuals resist change for many reasons, such as fearing the unknown, feeling overwhelmed, or believing a change will not last. However, once the resistance is overcome and a change grows into a habit … Read more

What components of the ACA do you think will have a positive effect on improving health care outcomes and decreasing costs?

What components of the ACA do you think will have a positive effect on improving health care outcomes and decreasing costs? Post should be at least 500 words, formatted, and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources (published within the last five years). Scholarly journal articles or primary legal … Read more

What are the ethical implications?

The paper must be typed in 7th edition APA format with a minimum of 1000 words (excluding first and references page) with a minimum of 4 evidence-based references. Make sure references are used according to 7-edition APA guidelines and electronic references must be from reliable sources.   After working at your first RN job for … Read more

What is a Militia?

Discussion Thread: What is a Militia? The Second Amendment specifically mentions a “well regulated militia,” which has led some to claim that this Amendment protects the Rights of the military or a state’s National Guard to possess firearms. Explain the meaning of a militia in the context of the Founders’ time period and whether or … Read more