How, additionally, would you defend your classmate’s position? What critique do you offer your classmate in regard to clarity and thoroughness of their post?

Assignment Details Close Unit 5 – Discussion Board 1 (75 points) Due: Thu, Feb 6 |Printer Friendly Version Description Primary Response is due by Thursday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Saturday (11:59:59pm Central). Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, … Read more

What major are you thinking about? Are you trying to transfer to a 4-year university, if so which? Have you taken any other philosophy courses before?

Discussion Board One – Discussion Board Group 2 In 1-2 minutes use the prompt questions below to write your post. Be sure to include at least 2 course references in your post. You can literally just say what they are in your video or voice note. You just need to show me where you got … Read more

Discuss how the leader can incorporate at least three practices in their work to address the identified challenge.

Overview Throughout this course, you have been building a strong foundational knowledge of a fictitious company called EcoSphere Innovations. You have gained a deep understanding of the leadership team–including their strengths and weaknesses. As you continue working with this company, you will use all your knowledge and apply the skills you’ve developed to navigate dynamic … Read more

What major are you thinking about? Are you trying to transfer to a 4-year university, if so which? Have you taken any other philosophy courses before?

Discussion Board One – Discussion Board Group 2 In 1-2 minutes use the prompt questions below to write your post. Be sure to include at least 2 course references in your post. You can literally just say what they are in your video or voice note. You just need to show me where you got … Read more

What was your opportunity cost? If your opportunity cost is higher than you would like, how can you lower your opportunity cost in the future years?

In 200 words do the following, this is due FEB 6th 2025 at 11Am Consider the following scenario in relation to your venture and determine the opportunity cost of leaving your job to become an entrepreneur. You currently make $X per year at your job plus benefits (equal to 30% of your salary) (you don’t … Read more

What you explore is up to you, but it should be something specific, something that calls for further analysis, and connected to some specific layer presented in Algorithms of Oppression and Zucked. Likewise, the essay should be exploratory in nature.

Topic: After reading both Dr. Noble’s Algorithms of Oppression and Roger McNamee’s Zucked, your task is to select one issue/idea raised by the two texts, research it further, and create an argument that is either original or adds original content to an already established argument. Please do not merely restate what has already been argued … Read more

Describe the impact of the issue on patient safety, quality of care, and/or efficient delivery of care. Explain the accreditation or regulatory guidelines regarding the issue or area of concern.

Assignment Overview Identify a concern regarding safety, quality, or the efficient delivery of care within the clinical setting. Consider the impact of technology and information systems on the selected area of concern. Create a 2 – 4-page paper, using a minimum of 4 peer-reviewed scholarly sources, current within 5 years, to support your work. See … Read more

What can we know about the people who created these artifacts just be examining these images?

What can we know about the people who created these artifacts just be examining these images? Add a written conclusion, sharing your opinion on whether or not, based on your examination of the artifacts, these people were civilized. Why? Be specific. Using an Evidence Chart An evidence chart is very useful for making direct connections … Read more

Explain Child Abuse and Neglect Impact On Adolescent Mentally Physically And Socially

The main goal of this draft is to answer the thesis statement/research question posed in the first draft. It also serves to lengthen the paper by including more details, research, and relevant sections in order to work toward a cohesive final product. Instructions: • The rough draft should include the following components: Title Page (page … Read more

Demonstrate at least two approaches to data analysis or multiple data sets used in comparison. Examples include: a. descriptive statistics and regression analysis

1. You will be performing an original data analysis on a data set that you find yourself. 2. You will provide a written paper. 3. There is only a written paper 4. There is no length requirement for the paper. However, the paper must address the following components: a. Title Page b. Introduction, which includes … Read more