In a discussion for the week, explain why organizations may require the use of Qualitative and Quantitative Research.

In a discussion for the week, explain why organizations may require the use of Qualitative and Quantitative Research. Find at least 2 scholarly articles that use quantitative research methods in a business situation. Summarize and evaluate the two articles explaining the rationale for using the quantitative research method. The initial posting should consist of no … Read more

Create a welcome message for new users signing up on a web portal. Your job involves taking two given strings: a user’s first name and last name.

Create a welcome message for new users signing up on a web portal. Your job involves taking two given strings: a user’s first name and last name. Combine these two strings to form the full name and display the following welcome message: Welcome to our web portal, full name! You also need to analyze this … Read more

Analyze and apply the relevancy of the knowledge and skills that you are acquiring toward multicultural and generalist awareness.

Each week, you will submit a 2-3 page journal entry. These assignments are called reflective journal entries because they require you to revisit, summarize, reflect and document your own understanding of the key points of the weekly reading and activities. It is also a place to analyze and apply the relevancy of the knowledge and … Read more

Reflect and Summarize your learning for the week based on course readings, discussions, and assignments. You can use your weekly journal entries for written assignments. 

Each week, you will submit a 2-3 page journal entry. These assignments are called reflective journal entries because they require you to revisit, summarize, reflect and document your own understanding of the key points of the weekly reading and activities. It is also a place to analyze and apply the relevancy of the knowledge and … Read more

Mental health rhetoric vs reality paper-Why should people care about this, what does it mean in terms of policy and health and society. How can we make a difference , suggestions for future research

Are universities genuinely committed to students’ mental well-being, or is their concern merely performative? Examining the gap between institutional rhetoric and actual support systems. 5 sections 15-18 pages in content with references added onto it Intro – what is my topic, how did  reach my topic and why is my topic important to think about … Read more

How well do you think ACM’s Code of Ethics takes into consideration cultural differences and diverse perspectives within the global computing community?

Review the Association of Computing Machinery’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct page available on  Answer the questions provided below (respond to each one separately and number your responses). – Articulate your thoughts clearly and persuasively and support them with relevant information from your research findings and our textbook. – Support your analysis by citing … Read more

Do you think this case met the criteria outlined in the state of Washington’s three-factor test for enforcing the noncompete clause in Valdez’s contract?

Review Case Study III: Analyze the “Target Hires Key Executive Away from Amazon” case study on pp. 256-257 of your textbook. – Prepare a 4-page essay, excluding your cover and bibliography pages (use a 12-pt. font size, double space your text, set your page margins to 1 inch on all sides, and leave no extra … Read more

Identify a specific example from the text where Campbell discusses an economic activity at the border. Describe this example in detail and explain its impact on the local communities on both sides of the border.

Drawing on information and specific examples from this week’s readings, address the following: How does Campbell describe the economic exchanges that occur at the border between El Paso and Juárez? Summarize the key types of economic activities, both legal and illegal, that are facilitated by the border. Identify a specific example from the text where … Read more

What evidence would you use to base your changes on? How might changes in US demographics and healthcare reform affect this clinical practice guideline?

The purpose of this assignment is to identify a clinical practice guideline in Los Angeles. You will be challenged to evaluate this guideline and discuss its use in clinical practice. Choose a health problem that you may commonly see in primary care nurse practitioner practice. Describe the health problem and recommended medical management for it. … Read more

interview you have conducted with a health care professional colleague.

A key issue identified in interviews with patients managing multiple chronic diseases is often medication complexity, specifically the challenge of remembering to take multiple medications at different times, leading to potential missed doses and poor treatment adherence; to address this, a potential solution is to implement a patient-centered medication management system utilizing smart pill dispensers … Read more