How nurses use models to make clinical judgments

OVERVIEW In addition to a code of ethics that protects the health and wellness of clients, the nursing profession is built on mentoring relationships that nurture intergenerational knowledge production, support the hands-on transfer of learning, and innovate best practices for patients and practitioners. In this assignment, you will prepare a short presentation for the hypothetical … Read more

Ethical Leadership and Code of Ethics-Analyze how well the chosen company’s code of ethics covers the topic of compliance with legal mandates.

Prepare a report (suggested length of 6–8 pages) in which you do the following: A. Choose a company’s code of ethics from the Web Links section below and analyze that company’s code of ethics by doing the following: Note: Links to the code of ethics for the company can be found in the Web Links … Read more

What are some of the current interpretations for how this object may have been used?

British Museum article: The Lion Man: an Ice Age masterpiece Discover article: What Happened to Turkey’s Ancient Utopia? Because the prehistoric world leaves us no written documents, scholars are left to speculate about the use and meaning of visual images and objects from this period. One thing that appears clear is that ancient humans may … Read more

Explore the library resources by clicking on the various links. Especially notice the second link which leads you to the “Nursing Program Guides”.

Instructions Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade. Select the OCLS library links to get started. Online Campus Library Services (OCLS)(new tab) Nursing(new tab) Notice that you are not on your own! Many days, there are librarians available from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Eastern Time. If you … Read more

What is cultural relativism, and how does it influence moral values?

Cultural Relativism in Ethics: What is cultural relativism, and how does it influence moral values? Discuss the strengths and limitations of cultural relativism in ethical reasoning. Moral Judgments and Cultural Diversity: How should we approach making moral judgments about different cultures? Explore the importance of understanding and respecting cultural diversity in ethical discussions. Universal Ethical … Read more

How could you use the readings for this unit to support Cardi B’s claim that she’s “just trying to help the world” with “Cheap Ass Weave” and “Bongos”?

Answer all of the questions below. Please include at least 1 direct citation from a course reading and 1 direct citation from a song in each answer. 1. Discuss Nadia Brown and Lisa Young’s concept of ratchet politics. a. How do Brown and Young define “ratchet politics”? Give at least 2 examples of ratchet politics … Read more

Explain to Mary how and why she must correct her immediate problem with account receivables if she hopes to get financing in the future.

The team is looking at the way Mary deals with money. Their observation of the company is that Mary is not in really bad financial shape despite all of the downsizing she has done in the last three years. Mary’s debt load is small but her accounts receivable is high. She does seem to have … Read more

Liver Cell Carcinoma-Can information from the article be used in your practice? If so, how would you use the information and what outcomes might occur as a result of you changing your practice?

Find an evidenced based research article/ clinical guidelines from current nursing journals (within last 5 years) about Liver Cancer. Research must be completed within the United States, and the information in the article should have direct impact on nursing care. It is expected that relevant information be highlighted in the article The student should address … Read more

How is Wordsworth commenting on the language of poetry in “Michael”?

Topic Prompt: Wordsworth’s purpose in his “Preface” to Lyrical Ballads is to explain and defend his approach to poetry. Using “Michael,” explain and analyze Wordsworth’s stance in Lyrical Ballads. Example: In his “Preface,” Wordsworth makes a statement about the language of poetry. If you planned to quote and then address that as your theme/central idea, … Read more

Compose a formal research paper based on a subject of your choice within your current or future career field.

For your signature assignment, you will compose a formal research paper based on a subject of your choice within your current or future career field. The topic should be personally interesting and debatable. You will select this topic in the Module 2: Critical Thinking assignment and must have your instructor’s approval for your topic. Your … Read more