Summarize your main points (Part A = 3-4 pages) Part B. For the study you have chosen, can you think of a way to get similar data in a more ethical way?

I submitted a first draft and here are the corrections received from the professor.

This is well-written, but unfortunately isn’t what I assigned and is much too long!

1/ remove all text and references re: Tuskegee
2/ include direct quotations from Belmont defining respect for persons, beneficence and social justice
3/add Belmont report to references.
4/do not use a cover sheet
5/wind up with 4-5 pages
6/reread instructions for the assignment and the grading rubric before doing next draft

Grading Rubric:
Ethics reflection Choose one of the 3 studies | listed (Milgram, Zimbardo OR Humphreys, then include: A. The name of the study you are using and a brief descriiption of its methods (15 pts) Direct quotes with proper citations for each of the 3 definitions of principles. (15 points) Principle by principle, indicate how (if at all) was principle violated in the study? (20 pts) Principle by principle, indicate how (if at all) was principle supported in the study? (20 pts) Summarize your main points. (10 pts) Part A should be 3-4 pages B. Could you have gotten the same information in a more ethical manner? If yes, how? (20 pts) If no, why not? (20 pts) Part B should be about 1 page

REVISED INSTRUCTIONS FOR Ethics Reflection Assignment – 2 parts Part A. We have studied a variety of research projects that contain ethical violations in several different disciplines (bio-medical studies, anthropology, psychology and sociology). The CITI Ethics Training spoke of both Laud Humphreys, Tearoom Trade and the infamous Tuskeegee Study. The Video, “5 Psychology Experiments You Couldn’t Do Today,” reported on the Milgram study on obedience and the Zimbardo Prison Experiment. Using Humphreys’, Milgram’s or Zimbardo’s research as your example, explain how the study violated or carried out each of the three basic principles of research ethics: beneficence, justice and respect for persons, using materials from your CITI training, the ASA Code of Ethics and the Belmont Report and anything else that you may choose to watch or read. BEFORE you use each concept, find its definition of the concept then quote and cite it adding clarification and/or explanation in your own words if needed. If you care to learn more about – these studies, there is quite a bit of high-level information on the web. If you use any of it, you must cite it properly. Summarize your main points (Part A = 3-4 pages) Part B. For the study you have chosen, can you think of a way to get similar data in a more ethical way? If yes, explain how. If no, explain why. It does not matter whether you decide to say yes or no as long as you can support your desion. (about one page) Entire ethics reflection should be 4-5 pages

Please keep it to 4 Pages not including the reference page, Also please incorporate all corrections from the professor.

Essay format must be in ASA.

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