Thesis PaperThe Finishing Touches – ensure paper is in line with attached Capstone Manual and proper Turbian formatting and sources. This is the final submit.


I. Refine your Introduction – You prepared your introduction for the thesis proposal. However, as a result of conducting your research, you will want to edit your introduction to ensure it is consistent with any changes that you made from your thesis proposal. The components included in the introduction section of your proposal are the same for the thesis. The introduction can be preceded by an epigraph that creates interest in the topic. Ensure that you follow proper format for epigraphs!

II. Title Page – The title page is a MANDATORY requirement for your thesis. You prepared a title page for your thesis proposal. Please review the title page and make any necessary edits to ensure consistency with the rest of your thesis. The structure of the title page is outlined in Appendix 4 of the EOP, which provides margins, spacing, and capitalization requirements.

III. Copyright Page with Declaration – The copyright page with declaration is a MANDATORY requirement for your thesis and follows the title page. Appendix 5 of the EOP contains the EXACT wording for this page.

IV. Dedication Page – The dedication page is OPTIONAL. If you choose to include this page, it follows the copyright page. Requirements for this page are found in Appendix 6 of the EOP.

V. Acknowledgement Page – The acknowledge page is OPTIONAL. If you choose to include this page, it follows the dedication page. Requirements for this page are found in Appendix 7 of the EOP.

VI. Abstract – The abstract is MANDATORY. The abstract follows the acknowledgement and/or dedication page or if neither is used, then the copyright page. Requirements for the abstract are found in Appendix 8 of the EOP. Also, include your keywords as explained in the lesson overview folder.

VII. Table of Contents – The table of contents is MANDATORY. The table of contents follows the abstract. Requirements for the table of contents are found in Appendix 9 of the EOP. Hyperlinking is permissible in the table of contents.

VIII. List of Tables – If you have tables in your thesis then a list of tables is MANDATORY. If you do not have tables, then do not include this section. Requirements for the list of tables can be found in Appendix 10 of the EOP.

IX. List of Figures – If you have figures in your thesis then a list of figures is MANDATORY. If you do not have figures then do not include this section. Requirements for the list of figures can be found in Appendix 11 of the EOP.

X. IRB – If you obtained IRB approval for your thesis then this appendix is MANDATORY. Requirements for the IRB approval letter is found in Appendix 15 of the EOP.

XI. References – This section is MANDATORY and will contain all references, cited in Turabian format and alphabetically arranged. You should have been compiling these and adding to them as you’ve gone along. They should be error free!!!

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