Managing challenges related to staff shortages in critical care units
Topic: Managing challenges related to staff shortages in critical care units.
SMART Goal: Redistribute staff to achieve 100% coverage of needs within 4 weeks while maintaining the quality of care.
Assessment 1
The intention of the template is to provide a simple guide and for students to improve format and presentation. If you find it too difficult to edit this template create your own.
The purpose of this information leaflet is to determine understanding of Weeks 1-3 of the course material with a focus on course learning outcomes 1-5
This information leaflet is a two-page document (word doc) providing a representation of information, data, or knowledge, (including graphics/images) and is intended to present information quickly and clearly.
The focus of the information leaflet is to present the outcome of your exploration of a leadership/management situation that you have faced or may face in your area of clinical practice.
You must conduct a situational analysis. This situational analysis will give you the opportunity to assess factors that may impact the situation, including the internal and external factors, strengths and weakness (include you, others and the system) and stakeholders (consultations). The situational analysis will also assist you to consider the scope of the impact of these factors and help you to determine the best way forward.
Complete the following steps:
1. Identify a situation you experienced, or are experiencing, that requires you to apply your leadership and/or management skills in your practice area. This situation may be related to:
• staffing,
• management,
• an ethical issue that required negotiation with management and or medical staff,
• a change in practice,
• a risk mitigation plan,
• resource issues,
• clinical governance
• clinical errors or
• a change in practice requirement.
2. Develop a SMART goal. Identifying the change/decision goal that will be required. Some may have sub-goals for sequential outcomes toward the final goal.
3. Undertake a situational analysis of your situation using any one SWOT, GAP or, Force Field Methods and ensure that the method used is reported in your Infographic. Your situational analysis should explore and analyse the aspects and questions inherent in your situation.
4. Complete a reflection on your situational analysis –
o What are the findings of the analysis?
o What have you learned?
o What is important as a result of the analysis?
o Will you progress the change or situation (SMART goal)?
o What are the supportive or opposing forces that may impact the success of the change, situation/process?
Your two-page information leaflet should:
• Be presented with headings/subheadings, images and white space
• Include your Name and Student ID
• Briefly outline the problem/situation
• State your SMART goal/s.
• Completed Situational Analysis of the situation by using any one of the following – SWAT, Force Field Analysis, or Gap analysis.
• Completed reflection on your situational analysis
• In-text references using APA 7th Style
• References on a separate Word document to the information sheet
Weighting 35%
Compulsory Requirements
Attempt / Submission Requirement – Students must attempt/submit this assessment item to pass the course
A4 size information sheet (two-page, portrait or landscape) 250-300 words plus reference page
(NOTE: the word count is not applicable. Students must limit the information sheet to two pages. Any additional pages beyond the two-page limit will not be marked. The reference page is excluded from this and is on page 3 ect).
From tutorials one of the biggest challenges for Assessment 1 identified by students is coming up with a situation.
So here are some ideas that have been used in the past (authorship of student cited).
These ideas are provided as SMART goals. Although this is not the start point (usually you start with the situation), it is a quick way to determine if you can use your situation for this assessment.
• By the end of Q4 2023, the emergency department will reduce wait times for patients with acute trauma or sudden pain to under 30 minutes by implementing a triage system and increasing staffing during peak hours (Cai, 2023)
• ICU staff to achieve 80% adherence in performing pressure care for ECMO clients at least six hourly by the end of May 2023 (Daniel, 2023)
• Reduce the use of restraints by 80% in the HDU in x hospital by January 2024 (Tran, 2023)
• To implement systems, processes and guidelines in women’s clinics to provide a safer clinical environment, reducing avoidable adverse circumstances and patient complaints within the first 6 months of implementation. (Pojati, 2023)
• All MSP staff attaining competency in CAWN within three months, with the online module completed by the end of the first month, allowing two months for completion of practical/clinical requirements. (Palmer, 2023)
• Deliver in-service on EPJB functions and navigation with particular focus on WFW function weekly to all nursing staff in medical unit by July 3 2023. Secondary goal Have all nursing staff within the unit complete the EPJB online nursing module by June 3 2023 (Dale, 2023).
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