Expressing oneself with the written word is something we learn; good writing is something to work on continuously. Your written work is expected to:
Be technically executed (i.e., use appropriate grammar, spelling, and paragraph development and be free of typographical errors).
Be “written at the college level.”
Employ a formal writing style (for all of your academic work)
Meet the parameters of the learning activity.
Be well organized, clear, and concise.
Demonstrate well-thought-out ideas.
Be supported by information from the literature.
Provide citations.
Written Assignments are 1,000-1,200 words in length (4-5 pages, not counting the title page or reference page) and address the prompt given for that unit writing assignment (see prompts below).
The assignments are objective analysis; do not use first or second person (“I” or “you”).
Written Assignments must follow proper APA format and include a title page, in-text citations, introduction, major section headings for each assignment objective, a conclusion, and a reference page. (No abstract is needed.)
Written assignments must include support from at least three credible sources published in the last ten years. Credible references may come from:
the Deets Library
Open Source scholarly journal sites
Governmental statistical and other resources
Tribal or other indigenous peoples organization websites and publications
Credible religious, ethnic, and professional association websites and publications.
Consult the grading rubric to make sure you understand how your work will be graded.
Newspapers and magazines may be cited for facts only. Otherwise, newspapers and magazines, other websites, and other sources not listed above may not be used unless otherwise approved by your instructor. Encyclopedias and dictionaries do not meet the reference requirement.
Unit 1 Written Assignment:
What information about diversity in the United States has helped you better understand or relate to others in ways that you may not have in the past?
Trends in immigration will continue to shape the demographics of the United States. The text identifies Monochronic and Polychronic cultural differences in relation to time. How do these two lenses impact how managers deal with various cultures/perspectives?
In what way does the media perpetuate stereotyping and prejudice? Provide examples to support your assertion.
In what way does the media help foster appreciation for diversity? Provide examples to support your assertion.
How might individuals and the United States work together to reduce prejudice and increase appreciation for diversity and improve the communication process?
Last Completed Projects
topic title | academic level | Writer | delivered |