What is the decision of the appellate court? Did they reverse the lower court decision or affirm it?

Estate of Ronald Armstrong v. Village of Pinehurst, 810 F.3d 892 (4th Cir. 2016) [pp. 208–212]

Required Textbook: Joel Samaha. 2018. Criminal Procedure (10 th ed.) Cengage. ISBN-13: 978-1-305-96900-1

Case briefing

• Facts – What happened in this case? What are underlying facts that gave rise to the case?
• Legal issue – What is being appealed? What is the legal issue?
• Holding – What is the decision of the appellate court? Did they reverse the lower court decision or affirm it?
• Reasoning – What is the reasoning behind the holding of the majority opinion?
• Are there any dissents? Concurring opinions?

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