What similar feedback did they provide? What different suggestions did they offer?

In addition to receiving feedback from Dr. Line and meeting with Dr. Line, students will regularly meet with their secondary advisor to receive feedback on their capstone progress. Students must submit a 1-2 page reflection (250-500 words) discussing what was covered in the meeting, how this connects to feedback received from Dr. Line (including if you have received any conflicting feedback, so we can discuss and resolve this), their personal thoughts on their progress thus far, and specific steps describing how they will apply the feedback they have received from Dr. Line.

A clear, succinct summary of what was covered in your meeting with your secondary advisor is included. (2 pts)
The feedback your secondary advisor provided is connected to the feedback you received from Dr. Line (e.g., What similar feedback did they provide? What different suggestions did they offer? Is there feedback your advisors shared that conflicts or creates confusion?) (2 pts)
A minimum of two steps you have taken to make progress on your capstone paper over the course of the past two weeks are discussed. (2 pts)
A minimum of two steps you will take to apply the feedback you have received to further develop your paper are discussed. (2 pts)
Reflection meets the minimum word count (250 words). (The purpose of this criterion is to encourage you to thoroughly explain your ideas.) (2 pts)
The reflection contains no or minimal mechanical errors. (2 pts)

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